Monday, July 18, 2011

Who doesn't love a battered book?

An article about the charm of battered books. Surely there's nothing like the smell (and promise) of a new book though?

Happy Birthday Holden

This weekend marked the 60th anniversary of the publication of The Catcher in the Rye. To celebrate, here is an article about the origins of Holden Caulfield.

What are intellectuals good for?

An interesting article on intellectuals, and the joy of stumbling across great writers. Continuing with the theme, another engaging article on Bernard-Henri Levi and French intellectual interventionism. Is France the only country in the world where les intellos are still held in such high regard?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Dictator

Sacha Baron Cohen's upcoming film The Dictator is apparently based on a novel written by Saddam Hussein. Helpfully, The Guardian has provided a brief guide to dictator lit. Has anyone even read these?
I have high hopes for the film!

Fact or Fiction?

My goal this semester? To read one fiction and one non-fiction book a week.
Am I being overly optimistic?
Here is a great list to get me started on the non-fiction side...
As always, I love the debate surrounding inclusions and exclusions.

Ummmm, awesome.

Awesome people reading.
That is all.