Thursday, March 18, 2010

"Dinner parties are mere formalities; but you invite a man to breakfast because you want to see him."

This is a great blog that reviews breakfast places in London.
I have a breakfast date with a friend who I haven't seen for months on Sunday morning and can't wait!
...and to read while you have brekkie: London Caff's.

Book Blogs

A great blog about books.

Monday, March 8, 2010


I very rarely describe something as "inspirational" - I think it has become one of those overused terms that has lost the sense of what it was really attempting to convey, but Chinese political activists Liu Xia and her husband Liu Xiaobao are two people who I would probably deem worthy of such a charicterisation. The letter Xiaobao wrote to his wife as he was jailed is one of the most romantic things I have read.

"Your love is sunlight that transcends prison walls and bars, stroking every inch of my skin, warming my every cell, letting me maintain my inner calm, magnanimous and bright, so that every minute in prison is full of meaning… My love is hard, sharp, and can penetrate any obstacles. Even if I am crushed into powder, I will embrace you with the ashes."

Monday, March 1, 2010

Do's and Don'ts

A guide to writing fiction - writers have given 10 rules they believe important when composing fiction. Not sure if I agree with every single one, but interesting to see how this mirrors each author's style.
Again, I note the return to the list.

One of many literary-themed posts to celebrate the upcoming world book day.